Friday, 25th  October, 2024, 8:00pm to 10:00pm

 St. John’s Church, Bridgetown

(Both live and streamed)


Consciousness, Mystical Experience, and the Ground of Being 

A conversation between Fr. Jim Barlow and Prof Max Velmans


Topics to be touched on will include:

Different levels of consciousness and their grounding.

What is “mystical” and is it universal?

What is meant by “The Ground of Being” and is it the same thing as God?


Jim is Rector of St Mary’s Totnes and of the wider Totnes Team Ministry in the Church of England.  He has a life-long interest in religious experience and mystical theology.  Although this interest is primarily practical, he has engaged with the study of mystical experience in general and the historical origins of Christian mystical theology in the wider Mediterranean context.  He has a particular interest in the East Syrian mystical school of the 5th to 8th centuries of the common era and is collaborating with other scholars to produce critical editions and translations of texts from that tradition.


Max is Professor Emeritus of Psychology, Goldsmiths, University of London, and a fellow of the British Psychological Society and the Academy of the Social Sciences. His main research focus is on integrating work on the philosophy, cognitive psychology, and neuropsychology of consciousness, and, more recently, on East–West integrative approaches. He has over 130 publications on these topics, including his books Understanding Consciousness (2009), Towards a Deeper Understanding of Consciousness (2017), and the co-edited Blackwell Companion to Consciousness (2017). He has been a Fulbright Scholar at UC Berkeley (1984), and National Visiting Professor for 2010-2011 of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research, Government of India.


Cost: £5


Booking via Eventbrite HERE







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